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The competition about telling a story
作者(来源):学生:屈丹琪    发布时间:2014-03-24

Writer Qu Danqi        InstructorMaria Jiang

Spring is a beautiful season, flowers come into bloom, grass become green again and people become more energetic than winter. In springan English story-telling competition was held in every class in Grade 8 of Meiyuan Middle School. A lot of students took part in this activity which could show themselves and knew their weak points. We could see every story from the students is well-prepared. They wanted others to see their best. During the activity, many students made a PPT which showed us some beautiful pictures and interesting articles, such as fairy tales, short novels, stories and so on. There were also some questions at the end of it. The other students were all very positive, when there was a question, they all raised their hands, and the speaker was excited to choose anyone because it was the first time for him or her to be a ‘teacher’. The activity will end soon, but the things we have learnt will never be over. From this activity, we could see our weak points, for example, some students are too quiet or too shy. So, we should practice more, or we will lag behind other students. We learnt that most of us were not very perfect, so we should change ourselves, we should be confident, we should be talkative and we should be fearless because they can keep spring alive. Spring has just come to the world, and it will never be back because spring is in everyone’s heart.


总而言之,本月开展的英语小故事演讲比赛在某些方面提高了同学们的种种能力,更让同学们对英语的学习产生了浓厚的兴趣。(撰稿:八一班 周翠红)



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